10 Out-of-the-ordinary Museums

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There are museum people and non-museum people, and while the former seems unable to get their fill of reassembled dinosaur bones, Egyptian mummies or priceless paintings, those representing the latter category may find museums boring and a waste of time. The good news for the museum haters is that it’s quite likely that there is a museum somewhere in the world that’s dedicated to something that genuinely interests them. Here is a small sampling of museums with their own unique perspective on what’s worth looking at.

1. Tokyo’s Parasite Museum

It’s a museum dedicated to disgusting creatures with names like Fasciolopsiasis and Bertielliasis. Sounds pretty creepy, does it not? Well, when it comes to creepy the idea of some slimy creature taking up residence in your body is hard to beat! With an impressive collection of more than 300 revolting parasitic life forms, the parasite museum was the brainchild of four scientists who obviously thought it would be cool to have a place where people could come and get sick to their stomachs. Among the museums most impressive specimen is a tapeworm that measures about 30 feet in length and was taken from the intestines of a woman who is presumed to have become infected by eating sushi.

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